Opening Day | V1.0

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-players will now have to wait 120 seconds to respawn
-ALL people on the server will receive a life alert when someone has died 
-NON Paramedics will receive $240 for reviving someone without life alert
-$1000 With Life Alert

-hunger will no longer go down unless there is a cook online
-drugs are now purchasable from the F4 menu
-mayor elections will now trigger if there is 2 people running
---60 seconds increased to 300
-/rpname is now the form of creating an RP name. 
---you may not change it more then 4 times / 60 seconds
-job quizes updates for PD
---quizes will now ban failing user for 25 minutes
-kidnapper spawns with ak47 now
-PD will spawn with 100+ extra mags in their glock

markets are a great alternative to NPC's! There will be a designated area which is classified as a store, you may not rob the store, but you can purchase items such as:

Bitcoin Miners
and much more!
There will be several stores around the map, including:
Weapons Store
Grocery Store
+ Gas at gas stations!

the items youve purchased will spawn in crates, you can then break the crate and the items will pop out. hitting "USE" on these items will add them to your inventory, ready for use!

Coming soon! and economy mod for our server!
The mayor must answer govt. related questions to keep the economy status up! they can deposit money to the bank, purchase weapons for the PD, the bank can be robbed and can purchase food!
If the economy goes into the "red zone", the mayor will be automatically demoted.

Seeing as we have a very small window of time before the servers opening day, we want to ask the community for any suggestions THEY want added! 
Feel free to suggest whatever your heart desires in #📨suggestions or on our forums!

Money Printer Changes

-maxdistance 8000>5000
-sounddistance 60>120
-blastradius {30,80} > {50,111}

-baseincome 25>15
-mxstorage 100000>85000
-price 48000>50000
-clockspeed 3.0>2.2
-rechargeprice 2000>31000
-dmgresistance 1>2.1
-upgoverclocking 3500>4500

-price 59000>69000
-baseincome 45>32
-overclock 3.0>2.8

-baseincome 60>52
-batteryconsumption .3>.6
-price 60000>89000

-viponly false>true
-price 85000>150000
-max 1>2
-maxstorage 185000>1250000
-batteryconsumption .25>.30
-rechargeprice 5000>15000


Whitewater Police Department | Handbook

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Whitewater Police Handbook
by: TY | Head Administrator

This form is to allow the player to understand how to do the job of a officer or a deputy

General Rules 

  • Police officers may not go outside city limits unless on vehicle pursuit with the help of a deputy
  • Sheriff deputies may enter the city and can help out local law enforcement but should keep mostly to the outside county parts
  • Do not Abuse power that you have
  • You must be trained by a Trainer of the department you are going to
  • Do not Bag to be promoted you well be warned once then demoted
  • Please choose only one department you want to go to can't be both
  • Follow the the orders when given my a higher rank
  • Most have a valid reason to go into a another players home/base
  • Most use 10 codes the well be provided below when talking on radio

Rules for Police and Sheriff Vehicles  

  • Sheriff use sheriff skin
  • Police use police skin
  • Lower ranks only use the ford explorer and Crown Vic
  • Higher ranks can use other vehicles and undercover/Slicktop
  • Lights must always be blue do not change the lights

  • These rules maybe changed in the future updates


  • 10-0 Caution
  • 10-1 Unable to copy -- change location
  • 10-2 Signal good
  • 10-3 Stop transmitting
  • 10-4 Acknowledgement (OK)
  • 10-5 Relay
  • 10-6 Busy -- stand by unless urgent
  • 10-7 Out of service
  • 10-8 In service
  • 10-9 Repeat
  • 10-10 Fight in progress
  • 10-11 Dog case
  • 10-12 Stand by (stop)

Police Ranks

  • Police Officer
  • Senior Police Officer
  • Police corporal
  •  Police sergeant
  •  Police lieutenant
  •  Police captain
  •  Deputy police chief
  • Chief of police  

Sheriff Ranks

  • Sheriff Deputy
  • Senior Deputy
  • Sheriff Corporal
  • Sheriff Sergeant
  • Sheriff Lieutenant
  • Sheriff Captain
  • Sheriff 

Server Status

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View our current server status by clicking here!


Server Rules

Written by
These are the official rules for Whitewater RP servers.
These rules may change at any time un-announced, so please keep updated on these and check for any changes.
Any breach of any of these rules is subject to a ban, warn, jail, or verbal warning

NOTE: These rules are in place to ensure the best possible rp experience on our servers- if you believe a rule is unfair or could be changed or updated, please create a thread in suggestions and Administration will revise and deem if the change is to be accepted or denied.

 Combat Logging

Combat logging is logging off or leaving the server while in combat, in the process of waiting out a death timer and logging immediately after spawn with the intention of stopping your killers from getting your items. If you are engaged with someone or get engaged-upon you may not leave the server.

  1. You may not, combat log. Combat logging is not permitted under any circumstances.
  2. You cannot disconnect from Discord or the game if you're placed into a channel with an admin, you'll know the severity of the situation based on the administrators first few words, if those words should render anything similar to, you're in an admin sit, do you understand?, this rule applies. (Initiating on someone who is in an admin sit, and thus does not respond to demands will not be allowed)
  3. You may not disconnect immediately after re-spawning with the intention of stopping your killers from getting your items. This is considered combat logging. You must stay for at least 5 minutes after your death.

Real life always takes priority. If there is an emergency, inform all parties involved. If there is any evidence, or it seems like it is a constant issue, a permanent ban will be given, as this is immoral, and especially not welcome here.

Roleplay> Rules
(Disregarding minor rules to enhance the roleplay experience for everyone's benefit, and not following an individual, or individual parties' agenda.)

  1. Roleplay is priority over rule-play. 
  2. It is okay to break or somewhat bend minor rules to create or maintain roleplay situations.
  3. You may not play at WhitewaterRP and just get by from following the rules. Many roleplay situations happen organically. 

Go out of the way to create a proper roleplay environment for everyone.

General / Exploiting 

Meta-gaming is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game.

  1. Trading between your roleplay characters, directly or indirectly, such as through other parties is strictly prohibited.  
  2. SWAT may under no circumstances patrol the streets as if they are an officer. SWAT is to only leave the if they are; getting a coffee, food and such. They may ONLY be called to a scene, they may not roll up as if they have been called
  3. You may not, use unintended methods to obtain any items, meta-currency or prestige in the server-- this policy includes transacting items/funds in-game for real-world currency. 
  4. You may not drag/carry bodies large distances or in public areas. You may drag/carry bodies short distances to hide them from plain view, or put them in a vehicle.
  5. You may not log in or out with pure intent to avoid role-play situations.
  6. You may not, promote a disruptive environment.
  7. You may not use a radio, phone or any other kind of communication device while restrained.
  8. You may not, abuse, spam music or bait police.
  9. You may not, break character, or meta game. (This includes telling someone what rule they have broken in character. Continue the RP, and make a report or out-of-character suggestion afterwards.)
  10. Unrealistic use of character creation screens, and knowingly wearing conflicting items are prohibited. Changing into some clothing disguises on the run is permitted. Wearing uniforms outside of jobs or to RP unlawful impersonation is permitted and should be dealt with in-character. 
  11. Roleplaying rape, or any sexual activity, is never permitted. Doing so will result in a permanent ban.
  12. Sexual harassment, or hate speech of any nature will result in an immediate permanent ban.
  13. Speaking or typing things that do not directly relate to in-game instances will result in Out of Character (OOC) bans. Things that don't make any sense to say in-game, are not permitted (i.e. phrases like "green grass", "gods", "if my mind was a keyboard", "I have it on Go-Pro", "you're going to be deported," etc.)
  14. If you're trying to reference our website, you'd preferably say "the government website".

    • If Billy ask you, hey, where's James, you'd respond with something like he's not in the city at the moment, but I believe he's due to fly in soon, or, Unfortunately, James received a one-way plane ticket out of here.

  • Do not attempt to remove yourself from a roleplay situation by untraditional or unrealistic means.
  • Do not take disrespect to the extreme. As mentioned previously a certain degree of verbal disrespect could escalate to initiation.
  • You cannot roleplay an animal, you're not. As much as you think you are, you're not.
  • When placing an advertisement, it needs to be an actual advertisement. Do not abuse this feature. Do not address the beginning of your advertisements with [OOC], or (OOC), this is a direct violation of the rules!
  • Do not, power game. Power gaming is when you take control of a role play situation in order to give yourself an unfair advantage ie; saying I have a gun in my pocket aimed at you, now comply with my demands, or something along those lines. You must physically show your weapon, in order for it to be considered an actual weapon and invoke FearRP. 

    • FearRP, along with Value Life rule below, correspond  with an appropriate sense of danger when in certain roleplay situations. 

  • You are not, allowed to steal UPS Vans, Semi-Trucks, Tow Trucks, Busses, Taxis, City Worker Vans or Garbage Trucks.
  • Staff retain reasonable rights and professional discretion to punish according to their perception of the situation and its facts. 
  • You cannot play music through the in-game voice channel unless you are in a car or have a radio. You cannot play music on yell.
  • Committing crimes that are considered to be felonies are not allowed within the DOJ, Governor's Office, EMS & FR Chiefs, Law Enforcement Command, and Internal Affairs (this also applies while off-duty). The bare exception is when an on duty officer is deep undercover, and/or off duty to aid the police department.
  • Do not, under any circumstances exploit the emote and animation scripts. Ensure that you use these in realistic settings. 
  • Do not enter vehicles while they are moving. Under certain circumstances you may sit in the back of a pickup truck, but a valid RP reason is required.
  • Scamming is prohibited, if you shake hands on a deal and both parties agree, you are required to fulfill your side of the deal if you accept the other parties items/money.
  • Wallbanging is not allowed
  • RDM is strictly prohibited , unless it is a terrorist attack

    1. You MUST /advert an attack
    2. You may only /advert an attack every 10 minutes

      1. Failure to comply with the cooldown will result in the blacklisting from said job

    You are not allowed to use 3rd person to peek through a corner or to look at something that isn't realistically in your POV.

    New Life Rule
    If you died, you:

      • Can remember friends;
      • Cannot remember enemies;
      • You may not return to the scene of your own death until 5 minutes after your death and the end of the roleplay situation;
      • You cannot return to the same roleplay situation;
      • Upon dying in a jailbreak, you cannot return;
      • Officers may not respond to any call over the radio about an event that occurred which they have died previously in, and have since respawned.

  • If your character has been injured and knocked unconscious, you do not remember anything unless a medic deems that your injuries do not merit memory loss. 
  • When you forget or respawn following your death, you must exercise the New Life elements in point #1 above. 
  • If you have died, you may respawn after 10 seconds.


    VDM (Vehicle Deathmatch)

    1. You cannot intentionally run someone over with your vehicle unless they constitute a definite threat to your life (i.e. pointing a gun directly at you).

    If you're run over because you're standing in the road, this does not count as VDM (If it is seen as preventable, the driver may be punished).

    Value Life

    1. You must value your own and other's life at all times. You can kill someone for not complying with your reasonable demands, provided it's not power-gamed. You can kill hostages for the police not complying with your reasonable demands. (Simon says is not a valid reason to execute a hostage!)
    2. When held at gunpoint or weapon-point, you cannot pull out your gun or weapon. You may pull out a gun or weapon if the individuals) whom had you at gunpoint or weapon-point turn their backs, or have the weapons aimed in a position that isn't detrimental to your well-being.
    3. You may not invoke a situation with a larger group, (ex. 1v4, 4v9). This would be too big of a risk to pull off. (Exception will apply if the group is not directly focused on you.)
    4. You may not dispose of a body or evidence unless you, or your group, were responsible for the evidence or death and have a valid reason to dispose of them. You may not dispose of your friends bodies/evidence or any random bodies/evidence you come across.
    5. When held at gunpoint or weapon-point you cannot run away. (however, if you are in a vehicle and have a way to escape, you may evade!)
    6. When held at gunpoint by police or civilians you can run away if there is a fair distance between you and them. (however, if you are in a vehicle and have a way to escape, you may quickly evade!)
    7. You must role play fear when applicable!
    8. You may not roleplay as a suicidal individual.
    9. Civilians and police may not partake in heroic acts ignoring strategy and teamwork unless death is imminent with no chance of surrendering. 


    1. You are not allowed to run a red light and or reckless drive without a good reason.
    2. The only time you can run a red light and or reckless drive is when there's a:

    • Crime in action
    • Pursuit
    • Moving for emergency vehicles
    • Heard gunshots
    • Fitting a roleplay situation

    1. You are allowed to violate the speed limits. But we want you to prevent running red lights and or driving on the wrong side of the road for no reason. You may only go into a pursuit if you are harboring something illegal or have done something illegal.
    2. You must drive on the correct side of the road (right side) unless you have a good roleplay reason.
    3. If you strike a pedestrian in the middle of the road, and injure or kill them, you must attempt to contact 911

    You cannot walk in streets or highways. (Unless you have a good roleplay reason).

    Mayoral Laws | Custom Mayor Laws
    anything highlighted in red, you may NOT make illegal
    anything highlighted in green, you MAY make illegal

    • As a Mayor, you are entitled to add custom laws you deem suitable for the current RP city, however: you may not make the following illegal:

      • Bitcoin Miners
      • Add Custom Speed Zones
      • Make the purchase of vehicles illegal
      • Make the purchase of Licensed Firearms illegal


    • You cannot steal EMS vehicles.
    • You cannot steal FD vehicles. 
    • You can only have a maximum of 2 active vehicles.
    • You can only have a maximum of 2 properties in use (one personal + one "base")
    • All crimes should be get in and get out crimes and should be done as quickly as possible. If you are seen taking way longer than needed and staying specifically for kills you will be punished. (Includes: Jailbreaks, store robberies, muggings, raids, etc.)
    • You may acquire a; Secret Service Vehicle, or a Police Vehicle for a carefully planned out robbery attempt, or heist attempt. 

      • YouMAY NOT use said vehicles to impersonate the corresponding job to the vehicle, this is considered FailRP and is a bannable offence upon discovery 

    • You MUST pull over for all emergency vehicles
    • You MAY NOT run from an officer who is attempting to initiate a traffic stop

      • You may only run when they have pulled you over to a complete stop, and have approached your vehicle and requested papers

    Jailbreaks / Hostage / Mugging

    1. You cannot take over the jail.
    2. You cannot do a jailbreak with less than 6 cops online.
    3. You cannot forcefully enter govt. locked areas/buildings or holding cells with less then 6 officers online.
    4. You can request a maximum of $30,000 per hostage.
    5. You are not allowed to force someone to take money out of the atm.
    6. You are not allowed to force someone to take items out of storage.
    7. You cannot take a cop hostage with less than 6 cops online.
    8. You cannot take the police negotiator hostage during negotiations.
    9. When doing a jailbreak, the person must be in the actual jail cell, not in the holding cell.
    10. If you succeed in your jailbreak, you must leave straight away (you can’t stay in the PD and kill people).
    11. You are not allowed to take hostages in public, it must be in secluded areas.
    12. You are not allowed to rob, or kidnap someone after a major collision. Pitting, and bumping is allowed. 
    13. You may never deliberately return to the same gunfight. If you die and someone calls back up over the radio, you must ignore it and can not return to the same situation until NLR expires, then can you return to the same area. This excludes officers returning to the police station/jail after they die.
    14. Anyone who is in a negotiating position may not randomly call off negotiations and must have a roleplay reason. (Police disrespecting suspects, and other major issues that would not happen IRL)
    15. Anyone who is in a negotiating position must roleplay and keep negotiations going as much as possible.

    Negotiations must last 15 minutes before being called off and roleplay must occur. (Unless obvious negligence by one side is seen.)

    Server Restarts
    If the server restarts during any sort of roleplay scenario, that acts as NLR. You may not remember any prior rp after a server restart, and you cannot continue a situation 
    If the server restarts without warning by staff, you are entitled to a maximum of $10,000 refund for x amount of items owned 

    Building/ Basing

    1. Building Signs do not exempt you from being raided
    2. Text Screens must be a minimum font size of 50
    3. You cannot base in a property not owned by you
    4. You cannot have 2 full size homes purchased and combine them into a "Mega Base"
    5. You are allowed to purchase 2 apartments as long as there is no prop blocking on the landlord's area
    6. You are ONLY allowed 1 keypad per door
    7. You are only allowed 2 fading doors per entrance
    8. You are allowed to have ONE large fading door as a "gate" to your driveway
    9. You may propblock any windows which your building may have, as long as they are not oneways
    10. You may own as many "CCTV" cameras you like
    11. You may only have 1 alarm system connected to multiple Trip Sensors
    12. You may not build "watch towers" which exceed 8 props high
    13. DC during a raid is considered FailRP and is a punishable offence
    14. You do not have to advert raid
    15. You may NOT place props on City Property

      1. City Property is the sidewalk and beyond
      2. City Property also includes Govt. Buildings

    16. One way props are NOT allowed
    17. This includes One Way Objects - (you can see through but the other cannot see in


    1. You do not have to /advert:

      1. ​​​​​​​Raid
      2. Kidnapping
      3. Mugging
      4. Hostage
      5. Jailbreak
      6. Suicide Bombing
      7. Bombing

    Considering this is a Realistic Server, the following are considered standard DarkRP rules, which we do not follow.
    /adveting the listed above are not required, but you may choose to do so if you please.

    Sexual Roleplay
    the following is strictly against the rules, and will result in a permanent ban.
    -Sexual Harassments
    -Sexual Misconduct
    -Sexual Assault
    ---the "stalking" of high profile government officials is allowed for reconnaissance purposes only
    -Sexual Trades for in-game currency or product
    ---sexual favors will NOT be tolerable as a form of currency
    -Flirting with minors
    ---if you were to engage in any sort of sexual talk or flirting with  one of our community members, weather that be Discord or In-Game, both parties must verify they are over the age 19 or older, any lower then 19 will result in a permanent ban and a follow up from an Official Discord Moderation team member

    Administrative Note
    Sex is apart of our life, and that is why we are allowing in-game relationships or marriage. Although highly unlikely, in the result of "rp sex", this is not against the rules.
    Any sort of real life Canadian Law regarding illegal sexual activities is deemed prohibited and will result in a permanent ban from the community.

    Roleplay Information

    What is Serious Roleplay?

    Serious roleplay is a much more serious and official roleplay then other GarrysMod gamemodes. 
    Being in-character basically means that you will roleplay how your CHARACTER would react to a situation, not how you're out of character self would. lf for example, in HL2 Roleplay, a Civil Protection catches your CITIZEN character swearing. Your citizen character would be scared of the unit, and succumb to the punishment.

    The easy way to think of this, is if you are an actor and you have to pretend to be your character in every way, if you are acting as a bearded man who had a wooden leg you would act as this person, think what your character would be thinking and what your character would say, try to tell a story and convey a personality by the actions you do. Remember similar to acting you should pretend to be your character and not your real life self.
    To talk in character in Whitewater, just type as usual. Remember microphones or voice is not used in ClockWork its all text based. Typing is what your character is saying. If you want your character to say “What a beautiful day” you would type, “What a beautiful day”, this simulates your character talking.
    To yell or shout in Clockwork use the command “/y” this simulates your character yelling. Other characters will be able to hear you from a larger distance when you are yelling. To whisper in clockwork use the command “/w” this simulates your character whispering and only people near you will be able to hear.

    Your character has a physical description. When you are making your character you should have a full name. E.g “George Jameson”, “David Lowgreen” “Sigmund Roberts”. Your characters physical description is how you would describe your character physical appearance. It should only contain information about how your character looks and not contain information about personality or history.

    Out of character (OOC)
    Being Out of Character, this is everything to do with you and not your character, for example in Hollywood an actor acts as his character after he finished acting he would take a break and be as himself. You being as yourself is you out of character hence the name.

    In Whitewater, the Out of Character command is “//” this allows you to speak out of character to everyone on a server usually most servers only allow you to speak once every 10 - 30 seconds to stop the out of character being spammed.
    Local out of character command is “.//” this is similar to global out of character yet local out of character is only in the proximity close to your character.

    Role-playing actions
    Roleplaying actions, also known simply as /me’s in the roleplaying community. /me is the command used to describe an action that your character is doing. Here is an example that you type in the chat: /me sits down on the bench, and yawns. That is your typical commonly used /me. /me is used to do ANY action that is important to describe, such as a fist fight, melee combat, throwing, carrying, taking items, every action that is of importance that can mean something to other people around you.
    Another command used to describe actions, is /it. /it is used for describing things such as the weather, or what happens to a can when you throw it. Here is an example: /it A strong wind is brewing in the plaza, as papers fly around. Or, another example : /it The can lands on the ground with a small ‘clink’, but not hitting the person, as it missed.

    As you can see, Roleplaying Actions are the FOUNDATION of RPing in general, as they are used to describe all sorts of actions. Make sure to use this system for every important action you do, even for simply menial tasks like cleaning a window, or taking a dump.
    Depending on the servers different methods will be used during roleplaying the most common one is rolling. If your character wanted to punch another character in the face or wanted to run away from another character he would have to use a “/me” to show his action then a “/roll” which generates a number 1 - 100. The other character would have to do a counter action if he wanted to counter the other person action which then he would have to roll. The highest roll would win and there action would take place opposed to the other action.

    The second most common method is play to lose which means when you are roleplaying an action you take into account the situation and the likelihood of your character winning. If you were to punch someone in the face the other person would be punched in the face as you are constantly playing to lose.
    Be careful not to power game. Power gaming is where you use an action to force something onto another player. Such as /me kicks the man and kills him. This is power gaming because you are trying to force the player to die with your action.​​​​​​​

    Fear RP / Injury RP
    Fear Roleplay, is roleplaying the element of fear. Your character during serious roleplay can never be invincible to fear. Your character will always feel fear to some extent unless it is an OTA. If you are roleplaying a Citizen in HL2RP it is important to always FearRP this means you must roleplaying be afraid when your life is in danger.

    **James Jameson screams at the gunshot and runs away
    **George Jameson says "Please, P- Pl- Please Sir, Leave me alone".

    Failure to FearRP will result in a short ban.

    Injury RP
    Injury Roleplay is when you are injured you must roleplay you are injured an example is if you fell off of a building then your character would roleplay having a broken leg or roleplay bleeding. If you are shot your character would not be able to run or walk away he would be in pain so its important to roleplay this.
    **James Jameson screams in pain as he is shot, his leg is bleeding heavily and he cannot move.
    **George Jameson holds his leg in pain as he yells out "Arggh!" as he feels his bone has broken.

    IC - In Character
    OOC - Out of character
    LOOC - Local out of character
    Roll - The act of rolling to get an outcome.
    Metagaming - Taking information you have gained from out of character and taking it into character. An example is if someone told you a secret door in the map you know this out of character yet IC your character does not know about this door, therefore if you showed any signs of knowledge of that door in character you would be metagaming.
    P2L - Play to Lose
    S2K - Shoot to kill, this is where you can shoot somebody and kill them without having to use any roll’s or other deciding systems.
    S2I/S2H - Shoot to Injure is where you can shoot somebody to injure them yet you have to roleplay killing them.
    S2M - Shoot to miss is where you shoot and miss the person on purpose so that you have to roleplay killing them.
    M**ge - This offensive word which is the definition of female gentials. Is what people out of character call players who do not know how to roleplay correctly.
    RDM - Random Deathmatch
